Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Heard for Mick about the DAC. He said he will not be putting one into production because of so much competition and he can't get the chip he likes anymore.

Houstonreef, I cannot review the Mondeuse yet; but I did order a pair yesterday. 6 to 8 weeks to ship; and few weeks to listen, and you'll have my opinion. That said, I have limited experience... but I know what *I* like... : )
Hey guys
I recieved my Mondeuse last week,
They are Gorgeous!!
They sound great, dead quite I order mine in the Black & chrome(I believe that the one's on Mick web site are mine)
I'm sure glad Mick talked me into the Mondeuse,They are a work of art!! they topped my Plinius SA250 MKIV
I'm still trying to adjust the feedback with the damping factor to best fit my system,
even with the damping turned off it sounds GREAT.
The only draw back the binding post does not accept spades
just bannana or pins,thats a minor fix
even without my reference speaker cables on they are incredible
I order mine back in March of 2006.when Mick was upgrading my Cortese.
They were well worth the wait.
I will let you know more after I listen to them for a couple weeks
any question just ask I will do my best in answering them
If at all possible go with the Mondeuse they are the best!!
I just replaced the 1.0 uf caps in my Chardonnay with V-Caps (teflons). Wow, wow, wow!

I had previously replaced the stock Alps pot with a DACT attenuator. Rather large improvement.

I also rewired direct from the CD input to the DACT (by-passing the selector switch since I only use one source) with gold alloy wire. Another nice improvement, especially in clarity and tonality (a signature of the gold alloy wire).

I had previously replaced the stock 1.0 uf caps with Auricaps. Nice improvement over the stock caps. Then I replaced the Auricaps with Mundorf Silver Supremes. Much bigger improvement than the Auricaps.

But about a week ago I replaced the Mundorfs with the V-Caps. The V-Caps are expensive as caps go, but I have never spent better money on my system, ever. My Supratek doesn't even sound like the same preamp. Better yet. My system doesn't even sound like the same system.

The openness, clarity, detail, realism, etc. is staggeringly better. I have been reading about how good the V-Caps were, but I didn't think they could be that much better than the Mundorfs. Wrong!

Before I purchased the V-Caps, I emailed Chris Ven Haus about the long break in. He said the break in issues had been over-rated and he referred me to Ralph Karsten's (Atma-sphere) post confirming the hyperbole about the V-Cap break in. I must say after one week, the V-Caps are simply fabulous.

I would highly recommend the DACT attenuator to any Supratek owner and definitely the V-Caps. My preamp is so much better now than before these two changes that I simply can't imagine how I enjoyed it before. The difference is that great in my system. YMMV.

I have been so ecstatic about the V-Caps in my preamp that I can't wait to change the output caps in my Audio Note DAC. I ordered them at the same time that I ordered the caps for my Chardonnay, but I wanted to give the caps and my system time to adjust before I made another change. Now I can't wait. As soon as I return from vacation the V-Caps will go in my DAC the first day I am back home.