Build a new system around pair of Snell Alll's?

Due to setting up a second home (in Austin), I have the opportunity to set up a new system around my Snell Alll's. Fortunately, it will be a bigger room and I do plan to make it a HT system although my main interest is to max stereo listening. I've had them on a B&K AVR707 and really enjoyed the clarity and neutrality I got. But feel the staging was too shallow which crunched the imaging. Without having any real tube experience I think I may be a SS listener at heart. The "peach fuzz" feel of tubes I've heard described seems unappealing. What I am convinced of is need to get much more power to the Snells. I know there's a ton of variables here but appreciate any suggestions from those who may be familiar with these beauties. Thanks
It's summertime in Austin and an audiophile is seriously considering high wattage mono tube power amps. I guess some like it hot!

If you don't have much experience with tube amps I would be cautious in buying vintage tube power amps. They may require more maintenance than you anticipate. I'm not saying they are unreliable, but that they are not appliance like. If I were you I'd be thinking along the lines of Jeff Rowland 5s or mono 1s.

The Snells are an excellent speaker. Please post how you end up and your impressions.

It was quite a while ago, but IIRC, there were several different amps over a period of 5ish years. I know that one was a SS Audire, because I sold him that one. I'm pretty sure that there was also a Counterpoint hybrid in there, somewhere, but even that might have been after the Snells were gone. Beyond that, I just don't recall.

You make a good point - I can't state that I ever heard the Snells at their best. Nevertheless, he had other speakers (generally less expensive) in the same system (s) that provided a notably better sense of depth. My observation is based on the memory that The AIII was the best of that lot in every respect but the one under discussion here.
