Coincident Dragon MK I vs MK II

Has anybody heard both versions to compare how they sound? I'm interested in upgrading from my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp.
Hi Charles.
Yes, much more than I actually expected. As natural and transparent as the CSLS is, I sincerely found this new PC a game changer. Also when you consider the price,it astonishing to be able to get such a leap in performance, of an already outstanding linestage,for such a relatively tiny investment. For me, the improvement was instantaneous and very obvious right out of the box. And it is still not finished breaking in!
I have ordered more PCs for my Dragons and Franks and I am really looking forward to the synergistic improvements that I should experience.
BTW I switched my Black Bottle Psvanes on the Franks for the Royal Princess , which I thought was a very nice improvement. Not that the BB Psvanes were bad, I actually think they are very good for the money, but the Sophias just did things a bit better.
I actually kept the BB but moved then to my Dragons ,driving the Pure Reference Extreme subs, and was a bit surprised on how they improved the subs, being that on the Dragons the 300b are not the output tubes.

I recently was able to source a matched pair of AVVT 300b SL and really look forward to hearing a tube with such a great reputation and lineage.
That's quite an endorsement for the new power cords. I have the standard Coincident cords and find them exceptionally good. I used a loaned pair of Sophia RP in my Frankensteins for 2 weeks and they're very good tubes no doubt. I also use the AVVT 32SL and the EML XLS both are excellent as well. Curious ascto how you find the RP vs the AVVT, good tubes but different sound.

Where did you get the AVVT 330b tube ?
I would like to get a pair or if your set isn't to your liking I am interested in them.


Hi Bill,Charles I still haven't received the AAVT tubes yet , but should hopefully have them by the weekend and will let you know. It will be interesting to compare them to the Sophia Royal Princess
I should however be getting seven more of the new Coincident Extreme pcs tomorrow afternoon,and can't wait to hear their impact.
Hi Drdavid,
Let us know your impression of these cords on the amplifiers.