Coincident Dragon MK I vs MK II

Has anybody heard both versions to compare how they sound? I'm interested in upgrading from my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp.

Where did you get the AVVT 330b tube ?
I would like to get a pair or if your set isn't to your liking I am interested in them.


Hi Bill,Charles I still haven't received the AAVT tubes yet , but should hopefully have them by the weekend and will let you know. It will be interesting to compare them to the Sophia Royal Princess
I should however be getting seven more of the new Coincident Extreme pcs tomorrow afternoon,and can't wait to hear their impact.
Hi Drdavid,
Let us know your impression of these cords on the amplifiers.
Hi Charles And Bill.
Good and bad news.
First the good news .After breaking in the new Extreme CST powercords for only about 72 hours they are already showing how wonderful they are.
I added them to my Frankensteins and Dragons and cd player after auditioning it for a few days on my Coincident Statement linestage. I figured if its impact was that noticeable on the linestage then I had to see what system synergy would provide. In a nutshell , it does everything Coincident does well , but even better. More organic better harmonics ,more natural. I don't think Israel would make a new product like this if he wasn't sure it would be a substantial improvement over the previous one. Substantial it was. The noise floor improvement accounts ,I believe based on what I hear, for the improvement. The background is dead quiet which is why there are so many more ambient and non ambient clues and harmonic information that is now easily heard that together allow for an even more natural real sound. As natural and organic sounding as my system was before, it iseven more so now.
Now the bad. After much excitement and anticipation to hear such highly regarded and sought after AVVT 300b SL tubes, unfortunately ,one tube appeared to be damaged or defective!
They visually appeared perfect but when I remove one of them from the box I heard a rattle, like something was loose inside . There was actually what appeared to be a 1mm round piece of solder or other metal piece floating around inside. These tubes btw look very well built and solid.
I felt it wise not even to try to see if they would work in order to avoid any possible amplifier damage. As I have heard of the possibility of a short occurring I was not willing to risk it. Too bad as I was so excited to hear these tubes.
I contacted the supplier and they were willing to refund my purchase price.
Wow I don't know if I will ever be able to find a set of those tubes again.
I would appreciate if anyone can let me know where to source a pair of AVVT 300b SL or the AVVT 32b SL.

Hi Drdavid,
These new Coincident power cords are special if they're significantly
improve over the previous versions (I know how good those sound). I'll be
ordering some eventually. There's a manufacturer who goes by the name
Tube wrangler (Dennis Fraker) on the audio asylum SET forum who may
still have some AVVT 32b SLtubes available. He builds the Serious Stereo
2A3 SET amplifiers.406 -222 -9229. I bought a pair from Dennis last year
and they were in excellent condition and sound the same.