Best tube amp for $2000 or less

I'm looking to upgrade my amp and have a budget of 2 grand.
My system is:
B&W 805D
Sonic Frontiers SFS-50 Amp
B&W subwoofer
VTL 2.5 preamp
Moon .5 CD player
Music Hall 2.2LE turntable
Nordost speaker cables, interconnects and power cord

I'd like to keep with the tube amp and wanted some opinions. I would prefer a new amp instead of a used one but would be willing to purchase used if the price was right.
Thanks JMCGrogan2. Admittedly I was a bit vague. I would like to keep with tubes ultimately. New would be preferred but if I found a used piece that was in good condition, I would take it and yes best is subjective.
there r numerous quicksilvers here for sale that get completely ignored? They the quickies r built very well sound great I had two of the early mono models. And best of all.USA built with a company that is still around servicing. I am sure quicksilver has a good customer service record. This is just a thought in a world dominated by audio products from Asia..
I'm a bit confused also. What is wrong with the SF amp? That is a sweet amp. Are you looking for more power? I believe you will need to up the ante considerably to best it, especially for new prices. I love VTL amps, but there again unless you go monoblocks, I'm not sure of a truly palpable improvement.

Perhaps if you are looking for more grunt, then a SS amp such as Odyssey would do you well matched with the VTL preamp.
I'll hazard a guess that the best $2000 amp for your B&W's is not a tube amp.
You already have a VTL preamp; the addition of a VTL tube amp like the ST-85 or ST-150 would do nicely. You would have the system matching thing covered; not to mention they would be in your price range used. There is little else out there new that you would be satisfied with long-term, and have resale value.