emotiva mono block amps any good?

interested in sound quality of emotiva mono block amps.
Oh my gosh. Sorry, I can't resist. But if the question is what would I rather spend $1,600 on in terms of a used amp, a 5 minute brousing of the current listings here produced some possibilities: top pick, Plinius SA-50(1,600); Rowland Model 1 (1,220); Bel Canto M300 monos (1,050); Ayre V3 (1,300); several listings form McIntosh and Classe, etc. I'd take any one of these over an Emotiva. Just my 2 cents.
Or new Odyssey Khartago or Stratos, with Odyssey upgrades. Less power but 20 year warranty.
How about the XPA-1s on ebay right now for $1200 shipped? From an apparently reputable dealer.
If you needed an amp with lots of headroom and testicular fortitude, all of the flea-powered examples above would be woefully inadequate.

All of you trotted out the familiar names of the usual high-end suspects. Come on, a 50 wpc Plinius stereo amp?? Get real. 60 wpc Rowland? Laughable.

Compare apples to apples and find me a used pair of 500 wpc monoblocs for $1600 that would be better.
I thought I did, when I mentioned the used XPA-1s for $1200, shipped.

I also appears that I am wrong when I assumed above that watts do not equal quality. Apparently, you believe that it does.

Apparently, I stepped on someone's toes.

So, Mitch, have YOU heard the XPA-1s. Do you own them? Perhaps some comments about the sound quality that they produce would lend some credibility to your argument.