emotiva mono block amps any good?

interested in sound quality of emotiva mono block amps.
Or new Odyssey Khartago or Stratos, with Odyssey upgrades. Less power but 20 year warranty.
How about the XPA-1s on ebay right now for $1200 shipped? From an apparently reputable dealer.
If you needed an amp with lots of headroom and testicular fortitude, all of the flea-powered examples above would be woefully inadequate.

All of you trotted out the familiar names of the usual high-end suspects. Come on, a 50 wpc Plinius stereo amp?? Get real. 60 wpc Rowland? Laughable.

Compare apples to apples and find me a used pair of 500 wpc monoblocs for $1600 that would be better.
I thought I did, when I mentioned the used XPA-1s for $1200, shipped.

I also appears that I am wrong when I assumed above that watts do not equal quality. Apparently, you believe that it does.

Apparently, I stepped on someone's toes.

So, Mitch, have YOU heard the XPA-1s. Do you own them? Perhaps some comments about the sound quality that they produce would lend some credibility to your argument.
Tony the used 50 watt Plinius is $1500. A new 50 watt Emotiva amp is $189. Sure the used class A Plinius amp is better...at ten times the price. I have speakers at home that will make the $1500 Plinius and Rowland amps you mentioned cry for their mama.

Just compare apples to apples.

Don't compare a 50 watt stereo amp to a pair of 500 watt monoblock amps...they are two totally different applications. With a hard to drive speaker, the 50 watt amp is going to run out of steam...period. Go find a used amp from one of names that you mentioned with some serious muscle, and you'll find that your price just went through the roof.

I own two pair of Pass Labs X-600 monoblocs with similar specs as the Emotiva monoblocs mentioned here. No way on earth you will find them near $1600 a pair used. More like $6k-$8k per pair used.

I have not heard the XPA-1's, nor have I heard any of Emotiva's amps. But, you name me a pair of used big name high powered monoblocs for $1600 that can drive my Infinity Kappa 9 speakers. You won't find it...I've already looked. Those speakers will vaporize all the ones you've mentioned above.