I wanna rock -- with monitors on stands

I am currently running 2012 Reference 3A MM de Capo i's sitting on 26 inch four post Sound Anchors. My front end is a VPI Classic 3 with a Lyra Delos cartridge (a marriage made in heaven, by the way). I have a McIntosh C50 preamp and a McIntosh MC275 mk. 6 amp.

I listen almost exclusively to 70's and 80's rock, new wave, and punk. The Reference 3A's have been awesome. I much prefer them to the ProAc Response D2's I replaced. (Better imaging, more air, better bass, more efficient). Is there more of that? Can I trade up to even more air, imaging and bass? An even more lively sound? Floor standers are out the question. My budget for new used speakers cannot exceed $4500. Your thoughts appreciated.
I changed from Proac Response 2 (standmount) to Proac response 2.5 (floorstanders) and the difference is significant, particularly in bass, and the ability to play loud without strain.

The don't take up any more space than my stand mounted speakers.
You might want to check out a used pair of Dynaudio C1.
Very dynamic, with incredibly realistic soundstage.
Hey, Clockmeister714,

I have reviewed the MM de Capo i for my website hometheaterreview.com and gave them an excellent rating. However, if you are looking for quite a jump up from them across the broad sonicly and still want two way stand mounts I highly recommend that you would take a look at the Lawrence Audio Violin's that are a large two way that come with their own matching stands. I have reviewed the baby sister called the Mandolin, it's terrific, and reviewed the biggest brother the Cello and ended up purchasing the review for my new reference. I have the Violin in house right now for review and they put to shame many highly regarded floor standing models that cost much more.If you would want to discuss this with me for more details please give me a call at 219-635-4316.
I have owned Reference 3A de Capo's for many years, up to the most recent versions...Excellent speaker all around, and very amplifier friendly. I recently upgraded to the Episodes, and am extremely happy with them. Have you considered integrating a good quality subwoofer with the de Capo to give you the extra "slam" you may be looking for? The Gallo TR-3D sub makes a great match for around $700.