"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"

I'd appreciate some advice from those experienced with great speakers. I'm hoping that this thread will be valuable to lots of others, as well.

On to my question: What are the best value speakers you can buy on the used market in the $5k-$10k price range? I think it's time to get into something world-class for music, and I've found that in each area of life or hobby, there are gems available that might not carry the most popular brand name - or be the latest fashion - but that do deliver the best performance for the money.

I'd appreciate recommendations from any resident speaker gurus. Thank you!
Revel. they compete with anything at any cost. older salons still sound amazing, f52 amazing, and the new f208 is just amazing for its 5,000 dollar price. you get real science for a real world price.
Another comment: I went and heard the high-end MartinLogans yesterday ("Montis") - along with some of the lower-end models. I have to say, I was highly impressed with the higher-end ones. I tend to value dimensionality highest in audio - for example, my favorite headphones are the HD800s. The sound coming out of the MartinLogans was huge, and really took me there. I notice a conspicuous absence of the mention of these speakers in this conversation. Any comments or thoughts?