Tube amp for Nola Metro ref Gold

I am thinking of buying some Nola Metro ref gold and i was wondering if a triode tube amp could fit with these speakers.
For example an Ayon Odin wich is 50w

Any ideas ? I often read that Nolas work fine with arc or mac but not so many feedbacks with other tubes amps

Being a long time Alon/Nola owner and current Nola Viper 1AX owner, I've used tube amps from Golden Tube, EICO, AMC and McIntosh to drive my various Alon/Nola speakers over the years and while they all sound great to a greater or lesser degree, the most important aspect of choosing the appropriate amp is to make sure you have output tap selections on the amp.

For example, my Nola Viper 1AX's perform the best from the 16 ohm tap on my MC275 so experimentation is key to getting the best overall synergy between amp and speaker.

They like tube watts. My Hurricane DT amps by ASL are wonderful with Nola speakers. 200 watts per channel and pure heaven with Nola speakers...