Best vintage or modern tonearms for Denon DP 80


I am looking for a tonearm for a Denon DP80 TT.
Are there any suggestions for a tonearm under $3000.00
easy to set up.

What do you think of a PA 5000 tonearm?
Audiocraft 4000, Victor 7054, Victor 7082
Sony PUA 7, PUA 1500, 1600

Thank you in advance.
I can't believe I am responding here, but unless you want to use two tonearms, why bother with a second tonearm that is at best going to be about as good as the one you have? (Which isn't bad at all.)
Lewm, I do have room for 2 tonearms on the plinth.

One is already filled by the Victor and the other is available for one not yet determined.
IMO, and it's only my opinion based on little data, the tonearms under discussion here are all about the same in "quality". You would be better off, perhaps, to think what cartridge you will want to mount on your second tonearm, and pick the tonearm to match the cartridge. The DP80 won't care what tonearm you are using. I think Raul and I have already said this, if not here, perhaps on another thread. I have a deja vu feeling. I may disagree with Raul in his rating of the Lustre, Sony, and Victor tonearms as all being a bit superior to the Dynavector, but that's not a big deal either way. He does not care for the DV tonearms; I do.
If you are looking for changeable headshells, the SME 309 is very good. Also, the Helius Aurora and Omega can be purchased with removeable headshells and are excellent.
So far as I know, none of the tonearms so far mentioned in this thread do not have interchangeable headshells. Nearly all "vintage" tonearms did.