Best vintage or modern tonearms for Denon DP 80


I am looking for a tonearm for a Denon DP80 TT.
Are there any suggestions for a tonearm under $3000.00
easy to set up.

What do you think of a PA 5000 tonearm?
Audiocraft 4000, Victor 7054, Victor 7082
Sony PUA 7, PUA 1500, 1600

Thank you in advance.
If you are looking for changeable headshells, the SME 309 is very good. Also, the Helius Aurora and Omega can be purchased with removeable headshells and are excellent.
So far as I know, none of the tonearms so far mentioned in this thread do not have interchangeable headshells. Nearly all "vintage" tonearms did.
Realistically, I would like to purchase a Dynavector or a Lyra cart, not a TOTL but higher up the chain.
I would like the tonearm to match well with these cart offerings.

My 3 yr plan includes buying a non vintage arm: Dynavector 507 MKII or Graham Phantom Supreme.

Right now, if there is a vintage tonearm:

-that marries well to Dynavector and Lyra carts
-that gives a different sound from the Victor but is still very musically satisfying
-easy to set up

I'd buy it for a second arm. If the consensus is that another vintage arm would be in the same ballpark in performance then I'd just leave the second armboard empty until I can afford either of my longterm tonearms.

Thanks everyone for posting.
I guess it depends on what you call vintage. Most of the arms of the 70s were made to handle the high compliance MM cartridges that were popular then. As MC became more popular, you got the Linn Ittok, Rega 250 and 300, Syrinx, Michell, Sumiko etc. A Michell Mechanic is a great arm, The Sumikos are the same as the Jelco today, except for the M800 "The Arm" which is a great arm. there are also the Helius arms like the Scorpio and Aureus. In fact, the current Helius Aurora and Omega are great arms.
So, its more a question of what cartridge do you intend to use, and if its a low compliance cartridge, you need a medium or high mass arm. You can check compliance at the vinylengine site.