
...anyone try their new top of line cables?
The Silver IC's are a definite step up from standard, and compare with $500-$1000/pr cables, IMHO.

Right you are Nglazer....I have the silver balanced cables but with the Neutrik connectors. ....but not any more. Paul said that I'll get my Xhadow terminationed cables back in a couple of days. the way.... price has very little to do with how a cable sounds in a system.
Thank you, fellows. I was just ready to plunk down the dough for the new Anti-Cable Level 3 speaker wire. I currently have the Audio Art SC-5 standard cable which I like very much, but need to step to either their next level, or something much better. Nevertheless, thank you for the heads up
For a few weeks I have been breaking in a pair of level 3 anti cable speaker cables. I'm using the jumpers, as I decided not to bi wire the speakers. I will say these cables sound very nice and open in my system. I previously had a set of Audioquest bedrock cables and while they sounded good, the anti cables sound much more open and the bass is extended. I am lucky to live in the same city as the owner of anti cable so they were personally delivered and installed. I also swapped out my Audioquest interconnects for my phono preamp with anti cable level 2 and also noticed a more open sound with a extended bass. The only thing I can really say about the cables is the music just flows, maybe all that heavy insulation on the Audioquest slowed down the signal.
...this is a continuation of my report regarding the Anti-Cables that I had reterminated with Xshadow connections and with their shotgun bi-wire speaker cables..... Right out of the box..brand new...they are absolutely stupendous. As they are going through their break-in, they are fuzzy with no depth or air. I have much more time with my CD player (Ayre C5xemp) and it was starting to smile at me again, however, my vinyl player (VPI Superscout/rim drive/Benz LPS) is going through that fuzzy stage.