Need a very neutral interconnect-

Need the most neutral cable I can get since I can change sonic sig through tube rolling- I was thinking of either the Kubala emotions or Purist 20th Anniv?? are either of these Neutral sounding- Or what else can you guys rec.- thanks so much
When you make a recording instruments and voices have there own track. This track can be an instrument of voice for example. You often hear some of the space were it was recorded. At the end all these tracks are put togheter to become a song. The space between all the instruments and voices are called blacks. The level in a palpable image of instruments become more apparent. Like they are all fully loose from eachother in your room. When you test every single part in your system over and over again you can raise the level in 3D and the level in palpable image. I Always complained at the people of Nordost by saying; Instruments and voices are smaller in proportion in real. And second they stand a lot more loose from eachother. Audioquest cables and inparticulary those with DBS72 give the extreme level in blacks. Instruments and voices are separated so free that it has become so easy to focus on every single part of a recording. Like you can run threw the recording and focus on one part at the time. Nordost cables can give a lot of information. But you also need to give the information the right place where it is put on the recording. This is what I call individual focus. Instruments ae very direct and small to point out. That is why I hate all the demos with voices and instruments which are 3 or 3 metres wide. Because this mistake is made so often. You loose the intimate sound as it is in real. When I was in the concertroom of my friend listening to a female voice she was so small in dimension. I closed my eyes and I was so focussed to here voice. Because here direct appearance took all my attention. It is like a magnet. That is why I say that when instruments and voices are bigger in proportion that the distance between you and the music had become bigger. The connection between you and the music is of a lower level. I miss often the feeling of emotion when instruments and voices are smaller and more intimate. All the people understand the difference in waht it does to your emotion when music become more intimate. By comparing cables you easily can hear the difference in stage. Instruments and voices can become smaller or even bigger by changing a cable. The depth and wide of the stage is different as well. The Olive 06HD also made my sound a lot more intimate. Because the image had become more palpable. The way how I use Audyssey Pro has given me a much higher level in touchable palpable image as well. 2nd and 3th voices are much opener and easier to hear than when I used the XP-20 with my Pass Labs poweramps. I also said it to the people of Pass Labs. My Purist Audio LE 2013 powercable on my Pass X250.5 also give a more palpable and touchable image compared to many other powercables. When blacks are stunning your speakers fully dissapeared. It is like you are in the same room with the musicians.
Bo never ceases to amaze (or simply never ceases), and please, do not let him in the room with the musicians.
I would go for Mogami reference cables, advised by the Wolfy Master himself :)
"I hear people talk about "the blacks" but am clueless what that means."

Its a combination of a very clean top end and a wide dynamic range. All the components in a system contribute to it, and having a good recording also helps.