Acoustic Progressive Rock

I love progressive rock and I was wondering if any recording existed in an acoustic format, ala "unplugged."
I bought Into the Witchwood a little while back and it is great. It also has Rick Wakeman on keyboards. You may like Barouqe and Roll also which is mostly acoustic I believe.
I listened to Heresy twice last night. It is a very exhausting piece of music, to say the least. There is one aspect of the music that I do not like, the vocals. They tend to lean towards the death metal style which I find to be very unmusical. I remember several years ago listening to a death metal/progressive/symphonic band called Therion. I really enjoyed the music, but the vocals got so much in the way for me that I finally couldn't take them any longer.
Matchstikman - from your comments I can't tell if Strawbs is your cup of tea, but if they do interest you and you're seriously looking for acoustic - check out Baroque & Roll. It was released last year, is totally acoustic, and has songs from many of the albums above (Hero, Nomadness, Ghosts, etc). For what it's worth . . . I have Hero, Nomadness, Ghosts, Witchwood, Baroque, and a best of 2 disc set. My favorites are Ghosts and Baroque. Hero places a distant 2nd behind those 2.

On to other stuff - fantastic call above by Duanegoosen on Jonas Hellborg "Octave of the Holy Innocents". It also includes Michael Shrieve - and I find most anything he appears on is great. I picked that one up last week and it's been in the rotation since.