Help finding a Charlie Byrd album

While listening to a radio station last night, they played a song that had three guitarists, Charlie Byrd being one, another had a first name of Carlos; the DJ said the song was called DeeDee (sp?), named after one of their wives, I don't recall which one. Does anyone know what album this is? I have tried searching the 'net and but haven't had any success.
Back in my high school days in the Washington, DC, area (1957-1960), I was briefly a student with Charlie Byrd, and I own the majority of his recordings. I don't recall the specific tune, "DeeDee", but I will look thru my collection and see what I can find.

You mention that the song you heard was done by 3 guitarists, one of whom was Charlie. He did a series of recordings, dubbed "The Great Guitars", with Herb Ellis and Barnie Kessel, as well as several that he did with Laurindo Almeida, but I don't recall any recordings that he did with anyone named "Carlos", unless it might have been Antonio Carlos Jobim. Charlie did several bossa nova recordings between 1963 and 1965 (including the smash album, Jazz Samba, recorded with Stan Getz), and I think that Jobim was featured on one of those recordings.

I'll make another post when I have something more definitive to offer.
Thanks Sdcampbell, I should note that I don't think it is a Charlie Byrd album per se; I suspect it would be labeled with all three guitarists names. I did see the "trio" albums that Charlie did and after looking at them, they are not it.

I know for sure that one of the other guitarists first name is Carlos, I was trying to write down the information as the DJ mentioned it, I couldn't make out the last name of Carlos so I haven't a clue what it is; as for the other guitarist, it wasn't a "standard" name, to me, so I didn't even know what to write and don't remember what he said now.

I will reiter the fact that the name of the song is DeeDee (sp?), named after one of their wives, the DJ said this more than once.
Hi, Brian:

Well, I spent a couple of hours researching your question, but haven't been able to find the answer.

What I can tell you is that I think the DJ made at least one mistake in his announcement about the recording you heard. For example, Charlie was never married to someone named "DeeDee", so I question whether the DJ had the correct name of the tune he was playing. Charlie's first wife, Virginia (better known as Ginnie), was featured as a vocalist on one or two of Charlie's earliest recordings for the Offbeat label (a small label in the D.C. area). Charlie re-married to a woman named Maggie, and they were divorced. Charlie's last wife, to whom he was married at the time of his death, was Rebecca (nickname: Becky). Charlie was surived by Becky and two daughters.

A couple of other points that may help you:
1. The closest match to the name "DeeDee" that I can find is the tune "Dindi" that Charlie played on at least one of his Brazilian albums.
2. Charlie did 2-3 recordings with a Brazilian guitarist named Carlos Barbosa-Lima. This might be the "Carlos" that the DJ mentioned. One of the groups that featured both Charlie and Barbosa-Lima was the "Washington Guitar Quintet". These recordings are on the Concord label.

Sorry this is the best I can do. If I discover something else, I'll drop you a personal E-mail.

Best regards,

Scott C-
Hey Scott, clarification, I didn't say DeeDee was Charlies wife but one of the three guitarists, I didn't catch which one. Also, they did say it was on the Concord XXX label, I don't remember what name comes after Concord, where I placed XXX. Thanks for all the time you have spent!

I think Charlie did a recording with the vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater, but I doubt the number you heard from was from that album. The label referred to was probably the Concord Picante label, which features the Latin and bossa-flavored recordings that Concord has done.


Scott C-