Help finding a Charlie Byrd album

While listening to a radio station last night, they played a song that had three guitarists, Charlie Byrd being one, another had a first name of Carlos; the DJ said the song was called DeeDee (sp?), named after one of their wives, I don't recall which one. Does anyone know what album this is? I have tried searching the 'net and but haven't had any success.
Hi, Brian:

Well, I spent a couple of hours researching your question, but haven't been able to find the answer.

What I can tell you is that I think the DJ made at least one mistake in his announcement about the recording you heard. For example, Charlie was never married to someone named "DeeDee", so I question whether the DJ had the correct name of the tune he was playing. Charlie's first wife, Virginia (better known as Ginnie), was featured as a vocalist on one or two of Charlie's earliest recordings for the Offbeat label (a small label in the D.C. area). Charlie re-married to a woman named Maggie, and they were divorced. Charlie's last wife, to whom he was married at the time of his death, was Rebecca (nickname: Becky). Charlie was surived by Becky and two daughters.

A couple of other points that may help you:
1. The closest match to the name "DeeDee" that I can find is the tune "Dindi" that Charlie played on at least one of his Brazilian albums.
2. Charlie did 2-3 recordings with a Brazilian guitarist named Carlos Barbosa-Lima. This might be the "Carlos" that the DJ mentioned. One of the groups that featured both Charlie and Barbosa-Lima was the "Washington Guitar Quintet". These recordings are on the Concord label.

Sorry this is the best I can do. If I discover something else, I'll drop you a personal E-mail.

Best regards,

Scott C-
Hey Scott, clarification, I didn't say DeeDee was Charlies wife but one of the three guitarists, I didn't catch which one. Also, they did say it was on the Concord XXX label, I don't remember what name comes after Concord, where I placed XXX. Thanks for all the time you have spent!

I think Charlie did a recording with the vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater, but I doubt the number you heard from was from that album. The label referred to was probably the Concord Picante label, which features the Latin and bossa-flavored recordings that Concord has done.


Scott C-
Music of the Brazilian Masters
Laurindo Almeida
Charlie Byrd
Carlos Barbosa-Lima
"Didi" (Deltra Eamon Almeida) was the wife of Laurindo Almeida. The CD you're looking for is: "Music of the Brazilian Masters" on Concord Picante 1989.

It was with Laurindo Almeida, Charlie Byrd and Carlos Barbosa-Lima. I'd assume this is the same version you heard.