Blues recommendations anyone?

Hi everybody. I'm looking to expand my music library a little bit, and one genre that I don't have is Blues. I have a buddy at work that plays Blues on his boombox regularly and I've gotten a few names from him, but I was wondering if any of you have a favorite Blues artist or cd that you could highly recommend.
Thanks a bunch.
As stated above there are LOTS of sub-genras in blues.
I love the Lomax/Library of Congress recordings that were done on wax cylinders. Terrible sound quality but great music.
Delta blues and Country blues are my speed.
Early Chicago blues is great too.
There are quite a few current artists at that are wonderful too.
Fas Posum Records has three samplers that are cheap and have some awesome songs.
I glanced at the PBS box set soundtrack from the Scorsese documentary and it looked like a good place to start.

Good luck!
I agree with Bignerd re. the Lomax / Library of Congress recordings. I find this music to be part of a national treasure.
I would suggest looking for some original Fleetwood Mac back when it was Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac. There have been some good anthologies coming out lately. Some of Peter Greens solo stuff is good too.
Other sub genres include zydeco and blues piano (both of which tend to be Louisiana-centric). Many rock fans find both genres easy to love. For the former, you might try Zachary Richard (Fatras! is great, but any record featuring Sonny Landreth on guitar will do). For the latter, Professor Longhair is the go-to guy, although James Booker's Lost Paramount Tapes is also a great record.

Happy hunting!