Herbie Hancock-Maiden Voyage

I really like the above recording by HH. It is one of my favorites. Are there other good HH recordings before he got, well weired with fusion?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
I also love Maiden Voyage, with Empyrean Isles being my 2nd fave. You may want to check out when he was with Miles Davis, as part of the 2nd Great Quintet. Stick with the earlier stuff from '64-'65. Live at the Plugged Nickel and Miles Smiles are both excellent. That's before they started expirementing with the fusion stuff.
another great album is "Hancock/Brecker/Hargrove - directions in Jazz", recorded in 2001 at Toronto's Massey Hall. It's basically a tribute to Miles and Coltrane...check out the review at http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/artist/releases/default.aspx?pid=10689&aid=2846
Do you not even like Headhunters or Thrust. I can appreciate Maiden Voyage and records like these. It really is great if you give it a chance. Also one of the few SACD's I have that make good/inventive use of the surround format.
I also love Maiden Voyage, nearly as much as KoB. It's one of those records I've been playing forever and it's gotten into my DNA. You might like Hancock's VSOP:Live Under The Sky, which features the same band but substitute Wayne Shorter for George Coleman.

A real blow to me when HH became a Bose spokesman.