Herbie Hancock-Maiden Voyage

I really like the above recording by HH. It is one of my favorites. Are there other good HH recordings before he got, well weired with fusion?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
another great album is "Hancock/Brecker/Hargrove - directions in Jazz", recorded in 2001 at Toronto's Massey Hall. It's basically a tribute to Miles and Coltrane...check out the review at http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/artist/releases/default.aspx?pid=10689&aid=2846
Do you not even like Headhunters or Thrust. I can appreciate Maiden Voyage and records like these. It really is great if you give it a chance. Also one of the few SACD's I have that make good/inventive use of the surround format.
I also love Maiden Voyage, nearly as much as KoB. It's one of those records I've been playing forever and it's gotten into my DNA. You might like Hancock's VSOP:Live Under The Sky, which features the same band but substitute Wayne Shorter for George Coleman.

A real blow to me when HH became a Bose spokesman.
Thank you all for your input. I have listened to some of his fusion (not much though) which did not appeal to me, that does not mean I would dismiss all of it. In general, I am not a fan of fusion. I have no idea of the chronology of his recordings, simply that I enjoy Maiden Voyage. MV was suggested to me some time ago when I first started enjoying jazz. I just have not explored HH much further. Jaybo, if you would be so kind as to give me his first three Blue Note recordings I will check them out. I assume MV is numero uno per it's title and is included in the first three Blue Notes. All of your insights and suggestions are much appreciated.