Longest continuous playing songs

I like (and looking for) continuous playing music, it could be one song or a group of songs that play uninterrupted, the longer, the better. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any suggestions,

Any of Pink Floyd's albums since Dark Side of the Moon thru The Final Cut. Any of Roger Waters solo albums.
Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination.

I have the APP-Tales of Mystery and Imagination ( one of those $100.00 gold ones ;-), this is one of my favorites, due to the fact, that its like a story book. I expect, I will query this too in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Utopia's "Singring & The Glass Guitar/Utopia Theme" medley runs longer than a half hour on one of their live albums (can't recall which off hand). The perfect pop songwriter (Todd Rundgren) shows off some virtuoso guitar in a full blown prog-rock opus. Certainly not for everyone, but for those who like this kind of thing, it doesn't get much better.
