Longest continuous playing songs

I like (and looking for) continuous playing music, it could be one song or a group of songs that play uninterrupted, the longer, the better. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any suggestions,


I have the APP-Tales of Mystery and Imagination ( one of those $100.00 gold ones ;-), this is one of my favorites, due to the fact, that its like a story book. I expect, I will query this too in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Utopia's "Singring & The Glass Guitar/Utopia Theme" medley runs longer than a half hour on one of their live albums (can't recall which off hand). The perfect pop songwriter (Todd Rundgren) shows off some virtuoso guitar in a full blown prog-rock opus. Certainly not for everyone, but for those who like this kind of thing, it doesn't get much better.
