Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?

And if so, will you be going for the stereo or the mono? The release is close enough now -- 09/09/09 -- that I'm starting to get pretty excited about this -- though I'm really not sure which to get. Maybe both? Nah, that would be awfully excessive, wouldn't it? But, we are talking about The Beatles, after all, so maybe ...
What are your thoughts?
No. Saving for another trip to London/Scotland. If you'll be visiting London for the first time, checkout the London walking tours. The Beatles tour was first rate with stops at studios, club where Hendrix first played in UK, the building on Sevile Row where the rooftop concert occurred, etc. This trip I'll take in a stage play (Regent Park Theater again?), spend more time at the British Museum (London has wonderful galleries and museums), do a self-guided tour of the "blue plaque" historical designations, and go back for delish seafood at the Michelin building (o:
Byegolly, and you call yourself and audiophile. You know, of course, that you could buy a really nice powercord with that kind of money.
Looks like most on-line sellers are no longer taking orders so may be too late.