Classics you can't have too many recordings of

Please share your favorite compositions that you just can't have too many recordings (interpretations) of. For me it's " Pictures at an Exhibition"
Bach's Mass in B Minor and Brandenberg concertos; Beethoven's Eroica, Fifth, and Ninth symphonies, and piano concertos; Gershwin's America in Paris and Rhapsody in Blue, Mahler's Das Lied Van Der Erde; to name a few.
Dvorak's 9th, Tchaikovsky's violin concerto, Rachmaninoff's vocalise, 2nd + 3rd piano concertos, Dvorak's violin concerto, Brahms' 3rd + 4th symphonies, Beethoven's 5th, Prokofiev's violin concertos, and several of Mozart's symphonies. But there are just so many more.
