Classics you can't have too many recordings of

Please share your favorite compositions that you just can't have too many recordings (interpretations) of. For me it's " Pictures at an Exhibition"
Bach's Mass in B Minor and Brandenberg concertos; Beethoven's Eroica, Fifth, and Ninth symphonies, and piano concertos; Gershwin's America in Paris and Rhapsody in Blue, Mahler's Das Lied Van Der Erde; to name a few.
Dvorak's 9th, Tchaikovsky's violin concerto, Rachmaninoff's vocalise, 2nd + 3rd piano concertos, Dvorak's violin concerto, Brahms' 3rd + 4th symphonies, Beethoven's 5th, Prokofiev's violin concertos, and several of Mozart's symphonies. But there are just so many more.

Any and all and In no particular order of the following fab three;
Puccini, Rossini and Verdi,