Live vs. recorded

I'm wondering if others of you have a strong preference between live tracks or studio recorded versions. Obviously the quality of the recording plays a role. But for me, I would rather listen to a mediocre recording of a a live track than a higher quality studio track.
Shadorne, Steely Dan is a perfect example of a band trying as hard as possible to play and record straight " on the beat". Jazz ( real jazz anyway) and blues players play a little off or behind the beat which creates a swing or a sense of soul in the music. Some of the current New Orleans folks play "in the cracks" between straight and swing. Playing live lets musicians stray a little bit without some idiot in the control room " correcting" the variances. Also, it may be less likely they will pitch correct the vocals which lets you hear all the nooks and crannies of a real human voice in a real world setting. JMHO - Jim
Many studio recordings are over polished. All the humanity has been scrubbed off them.

Some of them never had any life, they were recorded in different studios at different times by studio musicians who have never met just doing a job.

Some are computer generated.

I have to go on a case by case basis for both live and studio recordings.
I have to ask Tomcy6, what sort of music do you listen to because that's not my experience. Is it with Jazz perhaps?
Re: Steely Dan

Get the Two Against Nature DVD and listen to the live at Sony Studios material. I believe it predates the Storytellers show by a few days - I think it's superb.