Trip to NYC, What to do

Hi all,

Heading to NYC and was wondering if anyone has some suggestions for some audiophile to dos in the big apple. Looking forward to hearing from you guys, thanks.
go to acadamy records and Cds off of 18st.between 5th ave and 6th...excellent prices...
In Living Stereo (Shindo/Devore), Stereo Exchange. I would go to the websites of your favorite gear or gear that you are courious about and see if they have dealers in NYC. Many will be represented. I think Audio Note now has a dealer in NY.
Pickup a copy of the Village Voice and see what acts are playing where. Then, figure out which acts you want to see and go see some live music.
The high-end stores are not as many as years ago and the displays are limited. Singer is closed, Park Ave Audio is a far reduced space. Stereo Exchange is ok and Innovative is in Brooklyn.
Make sure you hit the Blue Note in Harlem. Singer has reopened in a new location on the second floor of some building.
I would stay away from audio stores and search for used vinyl for my audiophile fix. Plenty of live music to choose from. The Iridium Jazz Cub is adjacent to a hotel that me and my wife stayed in, great way to save on cab fare. Avoid the overpriced deli's and dine at Peter Luger(Brooklyn or LI)steak house. For entertainment skip the tourist theater scene and hit the "Big A" for an afternoon of thoroughbred racing in the Equestris Room. If you make some money treat yourself and add another tweek to your system!