Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?

Let's see: we've had the pebbles, the little clock, the turntable platform that includes only some old springs...and now the Contact Paper CD tweek. Do any of us believe in this? I know Geoff's an advertiser, and actually a very nice guy, but come on, fellow audiophiles...this is all the epitome of snake oil! No?
Every idea was tried, and has failed, numerous times. Despite being a nice guy, all he's selling is audio nonsense.
Dude my post was a joke read the other posts on this thread, the basis and content of the tread itself, that is what should be offensive to you, not me saying Californians lets be politically correct Steve...........Gullible....No cant say that... Weird...No...Like voted for the Terminator...NO...................Would be more likely to buy a phone call that would transcendentally change the space time continuum as we know it.


Would be more likely to buy a phone call that would transcendentally change the space time continuum as we know it.

I’m going with that one and hope it is politically correct for the people in America.

Now your gonna say I pissed of another 301,139,947

I did not know it was a joke, no smiley face to suggest it was other than serious.

Perhaps if your comments had been made over a "space time continuum phone" it would have made me laugh.
LOL, this thread has more staying power than the Ever-Ready Energizer Bunny.....LOL.....