Dark Grey convuluted foam

This is the stuff that comes sometimes in the bottom of equipment delivery boxes.
It looks like it would be great behind the stereo as a wall treatment.
All I have is a couple of 12 x 12 pieces.
Does anyone know where you can buy a couple of large pieces of this stuff?
Ryder, Thanks for the response.
I do not have a problem with high frequency at all.
I was thinking of soundstage depth.
With my Big Sony in between the speakers, I am sure that limits my options.
Covering the TV while listening to music is ok, but, I also watch Sports while listening to music.

I am using ASC 16" Round Bass Traps in the Corners and on the side walls I have ASC products on the first and second reflection points.
Behind my Sony LCD is a half moon ASC trap and above it is an Echo Buster on the wall.

I was seriously thinking of treating the entire wall behind the speakers to create a dead zone .
I have read that that is desirous along with the area behind the listener as a active zone.
So, behind me is my thousands of CD's on racks providing reflection surfaces.
Chadnliz, yes thanks. It looks like it only comes in the color natural(whatever that is)
I moved my system into a new room that has two chairs and the stereo now. It was extremely lively with almost no soundstage, depth or focus. After installing most of the foam the improvement is not subtle. The music is no longer seeming to come out of the speakers. I can play it much louder without being driven from the room. I'll go on record as saying this stuff is good for the money.
The previous room was treated mostly with DIY absorptive panels and heavy carpets on the walls. They worked pretty well also. Other than the aesthetics, the room looks like a sound room, the Auralex products work as advertised.
Hi Ozzy. I took a look at your system just to get familiar with your room's layout & characteristics.
Congratulations on beautiful system - nicely done!

The biggest problem that concerns me is your huge TV. Without a doubt that's where your system suffers the most.
There are ways to address this problem but you would have to be willing to make some adjustments ( not easy to any of us since we love our creations ).

Rearranging few thing, adding a couple diffusers etc.
could bring your system to another level.
I can't stress enough the importance of room acoustics.
Without taking care of room acoustic properties even the best equipment sounds JUST average.