FM static?

For years I've enjoyed pretty decent FM reception. Recently I've been hearing static along with my music. This is most noticible during typical day/evening hours and a bit less so during the wee moring hours. I haven't added or changed any new electronics to my home since this happened. My other source works fine. I tried alternating between a Denon TU-800 and a Denon TU 680-NAB with the same results. This is most dissapointing. I called the FCC to find out if the local Broadcasters applied for any changes. That was a complete bust, after a fairly lengthy process, the FCC offered absolutely no help and suggested I call each and every broadcaster that my tuners pick up. Ha! I called the local utility company this morning, they said they would look into it. I haven't heard anything as yet, but it really hasn't been that long since I called. What gives? What can I do? BTW, I've never recieved very good over the air TV reception here.

Have you tried power conditioning? I recently switched from a cheap Monster power strip to an APC H-10, and I was very surprised at how much quieter my FM got. I'd always had varying amounts of noise depending on the station; I thought the noise was coming in via the antenna, but it turns out it was line noise.

I've used an Adcom AC-315 AC Enhancer before the problem occured and still do.
Being a contractor in CT I have seen unchecked building have a negative effect over air reception. I used to get Boston and NY stations clearly, now it is a crap shoot getting New Haven stations at times. Rampant interference has made it more important to get good antennas.
It seems to worse at the lower end of the dial. Of course! That's where my prefered stations are.