anyone listened to iTunes Plus on high end system?

Just curious if anyone has taken a recording of an iTunes plus AAC 256k file and compared an actual CD version on a high end system. I know AAC is "lossy", but was wondering if there was a human ear difference. On my low to mid-fi system, I cannot hear a difference. And I have really sensitive ears. I'd like to hear from the high end world.

You must be using iTunes now since you asked the question-you can test the sound difference yourself.

Just change the Import setting in iTunes Preferences and select AAC Encoder/256k. No need to reimport the test song though.

Then in the main iTunes window. USing a full bit AIFF or WAV song already in your library: Select/highlight a song. From the menu bar, select Advanced > Create AAC version. Viola.

Then compare the two versions.
BTW, I hear a difference between AIFF and 256k AAC on my system (see link). I am not sure what you consider "high end"

I recommend that you do the test with a few different types of songs.

cheers, ed
no question that there is an obvious difference between Apple Lossless and AAC

you don't need a real high end system to hear it