anyone listened to iTunes Plus on high end system?

Just curious if anyone has taken a recording of an iTunes plus AAC 256k file and compared an actual CD version on a high end system. I know AAC is "lossy", but was wondering if there was a human ear difference. On my low to mid-fi system, I cannot hear a difference. And I have really sensitive ears. I'd like to hear from the high end world.

You must be using iTunes now since you asked the question-you can test the sound difference yourself.

Just change the Import setting in iTunes Preferences and select AAC Encoder/256k. No need to reimport the test song though.

Then in the main iTunes window. USing a full bit AIFF or WAV song already in your library: Select/highlight a song. From the menu bar, select Advanced > Create AAC version. Viola.

Then compare the two versions.
BTW, I hear a difference between AIFF and 256k AAC on my system (see link). I am not sure what you consider "high end"

I recommend that you do the test with a few different types of songs.

cheers, ed
no question that there is an obvious difference between Apple Lossless and AAC

you don't need a real high end system to hear it
I tested a version of Jennifer Warnes' rendition of "Ballad of a Runaway Horse" from the Famous Blue Raincoat recording, comparing a CD burned from an iTunes plus download against the original AIFF CD version of the same release of the same song, and there was not doubt the AIFF had more detail and musical information. This result was noticed on a modest Panasonic Blueray player with digital out to the DAC in a Decca integrated amp and played through Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands. Both versions sounded good, the AIFF file on the factory made CD sounded better, with more subtle details of the recording discernible.

How much difference you hear will certainly depend on the DAC you are using - HQ outboard DAC will reveal more of a difference than the DAC on you Computer or iPod. But all components in your system will contribute as resolution increases throughout. I would think that on very high end systems, the difference would be quite striking. The same way a good SACD recording often trumps standard red book versions.