Filling hollow tubes of my component racks

I'm thinking of using pea gravel and either clay cat litter or sand to fill the legs of my Rack Of Silence 4 component rack and ROS 1 amp stands. Any thoughts if this is a "good solution" to not using shot. Can I put in too much and "kill" the sound?
Thanks for any help offered!!!
I had put childs sandbox sand and buckshot in mine when I had that type of rack.
How much did you find effective and not over dampen?
1/4 full 1/2 full or more?
Stanwal and Hevac sorry for the delayed response I've been trying different combinations of tubes in the Joules and the C/J(tubes kept going south) and haven't experimented with the cat litter and stone mix in the tubes yet. I'll post my results.
Put 8" of mixed 50% clay cat litter and 50% 1/8" Mexican stone into the 33" tall ROS-4 posts. This amount dampened vibrations most noticeably in the bass but the highs did become slightly cleaner.
Added another 4" to the posts, the highs became cleaner and the bass snapper. So far so good!!!!
Tomorrow I'll add another 4" and hear what I get!