Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr

Anyone like t take a stab at this "new" form of room treatment?

Specially tuned and treated carbon steel bowls that, carefully placed in the listening room on proprietary platforms, tune music reproduction, tighten bass, adjust tonal balance, and focus sound.
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire

I believe there is a causal explanation for anything we can observe -- and that includes our own sometimes over-active imaginations ;--) It's certainly true that (current) science often lags behind observed phenomena -- certainly no reason to dismiss the observation itself.

In other words, it comes down to how comfortable one is with "not knowing". Richard Feynman, the world-famouns quantum physicist, mathematician and Nobel Laureate, quite eloquently, put it this way:

I think the problems (OK, the arguments) begin when 3 audiophiles in a room each make a similar observation, while 3 others, present at the same time and possessing normal hearing, observe no change or difference at all.

Both groups can't be "right", or can they? I would be inclined to say they can; while remaining comfortable, for the time being, with my inability to explain how that could be.

Thanks Richard Feynman ;--))
Define "possessing normal hearing."

What I am saying is that for those of your ilk, listening is not done.
. . . . . and of your ilk, experience is not expressed ;--))

By "normal hearing", I simply meant "not stone deaf"!
Tbg, my post was actually in support of your position -- don't know how you thought otherwise; or reacted defensively . . . peace brother ;--))