Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?

Hi Everybody, I am new to this Forum. Please clarify that,

Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a fuse holder to show

the direction to fix a fuse? Will all type of fuses have

'Arrow' mark? I need the advices to upgrade the fuses.

In one of a forum, I read the following 'Message'as follows:-

"The fuse has to be parallel to the overall direction of the sine waves coming from the wall socket and into you audio gear. If they enter at an unusually steep angle, the top (or bottom) peaks and throughs will get clipped off or attenuated and you will get jagged or almost square waves in you signal. The resulting SQ will be harsh and grating to the ears. Prolonged usage may damage the speaker coils as well."

So, friends,please give me a clear picture to replace a

'fuse' in my Preamp and DAC. Thank you.


I can think of no reason for one end of a fuse to be different than the other and have never heard any suggestion that they are directional. The quote sounds like gibberish to me. How does the current know anything about the orientation of the fuse? There would have to be an "arrow" on the fuse itself as well as the fuse holder if they were directional, I have never seen one on either.
I think the quote was someone's joke. Fuses complete the continuity of a single wire. There no reason at all fro them to be directional. I've never seen a directional fuse or fuse holder.
Your question has crossed into the Zenist territory which is way over my head. But I am eager to learn. Please post update when you come to any conclusion.