Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?

Hi Everybody, I am new to this Forum. Please clarify that,

Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a fuse holder to show

the direction to fix a fuse? Will all type of fuses have

'Arrow' mark? I need the advices to upgrade the fuses.

In one of a forum, I read the following 'Message'as follows:-

"The fuse has to be parallel to the overall direction of the sine waves coming from the wall socket and into you audio gear. If they enter at an unusually steep angle, the top (or bottom) peaks and throughs will get clipped off or attenuated and you will get jagged or almost square waves in you signal. The resulting SQ will be harsh and grating to the ears. Prolonged usage may damage the speaker coils as well."

So, friends,please give me a clear picture to replace a

'fuse' in my Preamp and DAC. Thank you.




Is there really anyone here that believes the direction of the fuse is going make their system more musically satisfying?

It would seem so, yes.
>>Simply_q: "Because I'm a human being. And like all other human beings, I'm just as susceptible to perceiving differences even when none exist in any actual physical sense."
Yup, pretty well documented that the human mind is real good at tricking its owner. No mystery at all. In fact, hearing a difference or not hearing a difference is pretty much what is supposed to happen, depending on your POV going in, whether there is a change or not.

>>tbg: "It always amazes me that people will not just try changing the direction and seeing if it makes a difference."
But people who say they hear a difference never confirm with a blind test. It's so easy to pull the fuse, toss it up in the air so you don't know which way it's facing, install and listen. Nobody seems to do this, and based on what we know about the way we perceive the world around us this amazes me.

You guys who say that those who have never tried do not know. I agree. But those of you who have tried and have heard do not know either...just my opinion.
"But people who say they hear a difference never confirm with a blind test. It's so easy to pull the fuse, toss it up in the air so you don't know which way it's facing, install and listen. Nobody seems to do this, and based on what we know about the way we perceive the world around us this amazes me."

You will probably also be amazed to know that none of the 'skeptics" ever confirms that changing the direction of the fuse does not make a difference using a blind test. It's so easy.
If neither the skeptics nor the believers are willing or able to confirm with a easy blind test, then, does the subject discussed really matter at all?

Just a thought. But it seems so many topics in this hobby fall into this kind of elusive category.
The subject matters to the "skeptics" only to the extent that it's another opportunity to suggest that blind tests would *prove* the damned thing doesn't work. "Skeptics" automatically assume the damned thing doesn't work. How scientific is that?