new audiophile education

I consider myself a new "audiophile" wanting to learn the basics on equipment, how to match components, reviews on how they perform, etc...
I use the audiogon site for all my knowledge, but, I still find it difficult to acquire the basics by searching through the learn section of the site. Very time consuming.
It would be great if the site included a section dedicated to the basics: specifications, definitions, installation guides, etc..
Hi Dvdgreco

Those 3 brands could be all that you need. They would be for me. Granted ones wallet will be a lot lighter. That is great you can audition them. Buying, selling and trading online you can't always audition and if the sound doesn't fit it can cause money loss plus the inconvenience of re-selling. Wait till you start selling your gear and get nitpicked and lowballed. You were the 3rd owner I'm going to offer you even less. You list at a fair market value you still get lowballed by 60% off of your listing. Some people make it no fun at all.

McIntosh makes great quality amps that last for years and retain value. Jolida (.com or .net) components look to be solid and people can't stop raving about the JD9 phono preamp recently. As for B&W I've heard the 683 speaker line and they sound superb and that is only the entry line. The others might be better.

Well good luck in your search and I hope it isn't bumpy.
Man, you have to test different equipment and keep reading to learn more. There's a lot to learn on the audio world.
Another very good reference for beginners is Robert Harley's Complete Guide to High End Audio
Dvdgreco: "...searching through the learn section. Very time consuming" The forum archives are there for just that. While doing so, one will learn more than just what is initially sought. Let alone all the random madcap humor!
I was an audiophile when they dyed the Red Sea Red, and I went to the funereal when the Dead Sea died; yet I learned something when I went to the "forum archives".