Which way to go? Airport Express or USB interface

I'm thinking about creating a computer stereo with my Mac G4 and some set of devices, including an SS integrated amp. I've heard from a few computer tekkies and an audiophile friend, read some forums on Audiogon, and it's hard to fathom which means might provide best fidelity--the Airport Express wireless method or the USB audio interface method. Some say the source files are most important, but I can save data according to recommendation. It is the linkage/transfer system that concerns me--USB (16-bit or 24-bit) or wireless. I can attach (or not attach) an outboard DAC to either, then run an analog in to my integrated amp--correct?
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Correct - once you connect the DAC it's all the same thing. Airport Expresses will lose connectivity if there's a microwave or 2.4 GHz cordless phone in the vicinity, but that's about it. Just make sure your DAC has jitter correction circuitry and you'll be fine.
If you store your files in the Apple Loseless format it won't make any difference between USB or Airport, but if you don't use any file compression, then the USB connect has the potential for better performance since the Airport will convert everything to Apple Loseless.
Thanks for these responses. It's now clear re the difference between USB and Airport. So, if I go via Airport Express, should I connect an outboard DAC to it and then to my amp? Or is it possible to do without the outboard DAC? The files I have now are compressed, but once I learn more and perfect the links, I may store files uncompressed.
There are a few shortcomings of the AE not yet mentioned. The DAC in the AE (which you would be using if you went straight from the AE to your preamp or integrated amp) is mediocre in comparison to a decent outboard DAC (at least that is the case in my system). Alternatively, with the AE, the ONLY way you you can connect to an outboard DAC is via a Toslink (optical) cable - actually it's not an ordinary Toslink, but one with a special mini-connector on one end. Toslink/optical seems to be the least desirable of the means of digital connection, with Coaxial methods being preferred by many as the better way to stream digital info. Indeed the USB route is limited to 16 bit (redbook CD). But then again some of the best DAC's are designed (intentionally) for 16 bit so I would not concern yourself over it.

If distance is not an issue (from your computer to your system), I'd suggest a USB DAC like the Benchmark, or use a USB convertor like the Waveterminal U24 which hooks up to your computer via USB and goes to your DAC via a coaxial connection. I use this solution and cannot tell it from my transport.

Before going with Airport Express, please check out Squeezebox and Soundbridge first. I bet you'd be a lot happier with either. Follow the link for a review of the latest Squeezebox.
