Solar Powered Audio

With all the discussion about bad AC quality, the necessity for power conditioning, and the emergence of several products that utilize battery power supplies to overcome noisy AC, it occurs to me that an audio system powered exclusively on a solar powered/battery system would be ideal. Solar panels on the roof. A bank of storage batteries in the attic or crawlspace. Bingo! Pure, quiet, dedicated power!

Is anyone in the southwest or west doing this...or even considering this?
Tvad, my sonic impact t amp runs for a couple of 8 hr daysbefore it needs recharging. I use a seperate batt for each component. If you don't run down the batteries completely, just a trickle is all you need to bring it back up to full power, maybe 8 hrs. The dynavector phono pre is about the same or longer lasting. The Technics SL-10 is new but it looks like it will drain quicker than the others, iI might try a bigger SLA for that one. The panel does not even need to be mounted, you could move it around to the sunny windows or stick it out in the yard. When the sun is hiding you could always cheat and run an extension over to the folks next doors house or street pole and steal power from the grinning gridmeisters.
A solar trickle charger, Tvad, is what I said. And; Last I checked, I've never heard of a solar-voltaic cell checking out over sun spots.
07-15-06: Biomimetic
A solar trickle charger, Tvad, is what I said.
Yes you did. My apology.
No probs Tvad - last thing anyone wants is a house fire. Still, DC to AC to DC should be amazingly clean sound; if you look at the history of the development of DC by Tesla, you can see why the guy promoted it so crazily. In almost every respect its better power. Just weaker.
Hello from Down under,Australia...
I have been running a Solar set up now for 6 years and recently upgraded my 20 Solar Panels and also added a Wind Generator...that's for running a KR Audio Kronzilla and all the other goodies in the past...Power was too costly to bring up to my isolated bush property,so I really had no choice...I am now running two seperate systems,with different batteries and different 24VDC to 240VAC Converters,both being pure sine wave share some experiences gained over the years!!!! set of batteries is lead acid,the other one is Ni-Cad...they both sound my ears ,the Ni-Cad is a bit smoother...the same goes for the sine wave voltage converters... both sine waves look the same and are very clean,BUT,they sound different...the output rating is about the same...I will be completing my wiring with better cables to the dedicated power points soon,fuses to my ears also sound better than circuit breakers...our Australian ones are different than yours...I recently also went to a battery S/S amplifier and was suprised by the result...In summary...oversize your battery supply and try different once,preferably sealed ,if using a voltage converter,make sure it is a good pure sine wave ...
the result will be clean,dynamic music "pure"...hope this is of some help !!!! Helmut