Solar Powered Audio

With all the discussion about bad AC quality, the necessity for power conditioning, and the emergence of several products that utilize battery power supplies to overcome noisy AC, it occurs to me that an audio system powered exclusively on a solar powered/battery system would be ideal. Solar panels on the roof. A bank of storage batteries in the attic or crawlspace. Bingo! Pure, quiet, dedicated power!

Is anyone in the southwest or west doing this...or even considering this?
Maybe a dumb question, but doesn't most audio gear ('cept the stuff with motors) have internal transformers and run mostly DC anyway? You don't really need 115VAC, and wouldn't you lose a lot in the various DC-AC-DC conversions? Why not stay in the DC domain and just get a plug installed on your gear that bypasses the internal power supply?
I fully agree that on a smaller installation you do loose a lot in the conversion from AC to I mentioned I just did purchase a German made small DC amplifier for efficient speakers....puts out about 10 watt...and so far I am very impressed,but I am on the other side of the world ,in Germany at the moment and will have some discussion with the manufacturer,to bring it ,if possible, to a higher level...but,I also found that the bigger Inverter appears to have a better control on the bass and the any case,if you stay with a pure DC supply,which is better ,you do need a battery ,as big as possible,that's my my case,I sometimes do have to supply some power to the house and washing machine too,ha,ha...if someone is interested in some pictures,shoot me a day I will post my system,but at the moment I am down grading and selling most of the gear...hope this helps....Enjoy the music...Helmut
You nailed it Edesilva! That's exactly what most of us are doing with the SLA's etc., bypassing the transformer/diode stage and feeding 12/24/48v dc directly to the supply caps... beautious!
I guess the one good thing about transformers is that they tend to hold a lot of power that is available for meeting peak loads really fast... My limited electrical engineering experience tells me that batteries don't tend to be able to supply lots of amps for transient demands... For that reason, I think those guys with the mega car stereos use beeeeeg capacitors wired into the power supplies... Are you guys who are running off batteries doing similar things?
Transformers also often use specialized metals to make the transient energy faster, more audiohphile, etc. But it would be worth experimenting. That much clean power is kind of hard to say "no" to.