Hi-Fi in Bay Area?

Dear Goners:

Would anyone like to suggest good hi-fi shops in the Bay Area? Emphasis would be on very high-end two channel (Lamm, Brinkmann turntables, Verity speakers, etc., would be items of potential interest). Will be staying downtown at Westin St. Francis and would prefer something not too far away.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I would stick to the SF places Jimmymac mentions, initially.

True Sound is located in Campbell, near San Jose. Nick Gowan's main claim to fame is as a tehnical wizard - master of component repair. He also sells some components out of his VERY small digs, though his selection is not deep by any means. However, Nick is one the best folks in the business and I would trust to him to order for you whatever you needed.

If you DO go to the Analog Room, call FIRST. Ask for Brian, the owner, and tell him what are your intentions if you are planning to BUY and you will be treated well. If you are ONLY planning to graze, I might save the effort and time. Keep in mind that unless you like the THICKEST of cigar smoke and are willing to purchase LP's whose jackets often reek of tobacco (and will if not sealed), AND you are prepared to accept a condescending response if you ask a question or make a comment not in keeping with the owner's opinions, don't reserve that rental car too quickly.
OK, OK, before you Analog Room lovers jump down my back, think about what I've said. You know it can be true. I have visited there many, many times so I do know of where I speak and suggest that, while a decent place in some instances and for some products, it can be a very intimidating place for the first-timer. The treatment there can be indifferent, at best, and extremely rude, at worst. I know, because I've seen (and once experienced) both. I mention this to the OP because I for a time I recommended the place to others without reservation, only to have a few folks be treated badly (which was actually not a real surprise) and then have them be angry with ME for suggesting the place.

End of disclaimer. ;-)
I also recommend you talk to Brian at The Analog Room. His attitude is unique and the cigar smoke might be a problem but I still recommended it. Please call first to confirm he is open and get driving instructions. The Analog Room is very hard to find and has no signs posted. If you get lost, please call him for help. Cheers..

Re: the Analog Room. Thanks, but as many hi-fi dealers are little more than reformed bong salesmen, it is my estimation of them that will likely be the issue.