
Responses from aceto

Turntable Leveling, Again
Fatparrot, ok I have a bull's eye. But where do you put it? I know i'm being dense again but the spindle is where I would want to put it. 
Vinyl playback is still a secret
I have talked at length, i.e. more than TEN minutes, to no less than sixty people still with vinyl with no tt. Mostly on airplanes and as dinner guests, they axpress near rapture wrapped in sentiment about either the old days or about how astoundi... 
Turntable Leveling, Again
Just seconding the wise above and even my own that levels are accurate only to their rating. 
Turntable Leveling, Again
I think it is more imporant to get good readings at the edge. I have also noticed the error factor of cheap levels starts really bad then is better over a modest space and then goes bad again over a long run. The marin of error between the not gre... 
Your favorite recent discovery
Jackie Paris. Jazz singer used to appear with Billie H. He has new cd's. Also Stacey Kent and Blossom Dearie 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Pbb -- any more where that came from? For me tonight is Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez directed by Argenta with Yepes on the geetar. An old Decca orange label. 
How do you clean your type of stylus?
Mr Clean sounds interesting. So does super pure water, but I better see if Clear Audio recommends liquid. But I gotta say that our dentist gets the prize for wacky yet wonderful. I wonder if flossing would help. Thanks for the great input. But the... 
Correct way to us Shure VTF gauge?
Dr Balance, I now need to do another set of trials. I knew Dave was introducing a new worry, but I thought I had snuffed it. So we begin again, with grudgingly purile thanks. 
Correct way to us Shure VTF gauge?
Unfortunately I must concurr with Hi hifi. I got mine out and it reads just as above. 
Utah - How bout it?
I had a hard time signing up on yahoo. and more problems interfacing afterwards. We are keen on participating, but we get strange error messages from yahoo and comcast. Can we get a little help on hooking up with the Utah group? 
How do you clean your type of stylus?
Psychicanimal, Whadda youse mean by ultrapure? Reverse osmosis perhaps? Thereupon, howse to administer said fluid? And can ultrapure cleanse a diamond living in the space of high g forces and attending heat and water proof elements? Or do you neve... 
Correct way to us Shure VTF gauge?
Oh great Dave, I didn't have anything new to worry about this evening. So now I have to drag my sorry self and get the Sure out of the cabinet and test it. Ever think about say, flower arranging instead of audio? And besides its happy hour here in... 
lp12 300b phono stage help
I recommend you consider Linn's own. It is obviously designed for their table and it fits nicely. What about going with their top arm first? That way you maximize the effect of the phono stage and any cartridges you get later. 
Few problems on "new" tt
I picked up that sic-ing habit from living in France. Never could get my pronunciation right. I love the Grado, but it can induce hum in some tables. You might find the Mo-Fi has a nice tool called the Geo-disk, I think. It is very easy to use and... 
Few problems on "new" tt
Remi -- in response to killing records I mean that you originally said that "I gues (sic) the cartrige is'nt (sic)in to (sic) good a shape" And therefore I assumed that it was not properly tuned, and worse, the worn or chipped stylus would scrape ...