
Responses from adamaley

New Acoustic Zen Adagio loudspeakers
Audiophile1958, what are you talking about? Care to explain your thoughts please? 
Acoustic Zen Adagio vs. Harbeth S-HL5
Fafafion, did your Adagios come with the extended bases or without? Was wondering if your cerabase tweak applied to the more recent version of the speaker that has a black base. 
Atma Sphere S30 amp
Glory, could you expound on the differences you experience between this amp and your Red Wine 70.2 monoblocks? What prodded you to make the jump for these? 
Just took delivery of the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and-
Raytheprinter, why don't you go in for the 70.2 mono blocks then? Supposedly improved sonics and more power delivered. 
Devore super 8s or Acoustic Zen Adagio
Interesting question. Avidly awaiting responses myself. Anyone kind enough to comment? 
Vienna Beethoven, Spendor 8SE, Adagio or VS VR4jr
Tom92602Any impression on your Adagios. Please do not abandon this thread. SOS! 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
Any more regarding these speakers? Looking at speakers in their used price range. Any impressions? Positive, negative, complimentary equipment? 
Jazz Recommendations
Lets keep em coming guys. Been more than a year, and I'm looking for good recently-released jazz. Will love some suggestions. 
Quality recordings of reggae/ska and alternative
Gregory Isaacs - Night NurseGreat music, decent sound. 
Why the Distain For the Rotel RB-1080 Power Amp?
I switched from a Rotel RB-1080 to an Odyssey Stratos Extreme SE a month ago and the difference has been astounding. I am ashamed to think I actually lived with the Rotel for a year. The evolution of my system will revolve around this wonderful am... 
Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s
Don't want to be one that starts a thread and leaves it to die. I received an Odyssey Stratos Stereo Extreme SE last week and have been doing some prolonged listening. The improvement has been overwhelming to say the least. Many thanks to Blueligh... 
Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s
Hopefully, I'll be adding the Odyssey Stratos to my setup pretty soon. I feel like I should see how they fare with the B&Ws and, if bearable, patiently wait to fund the Quad purchase, or maybe some other speaker. Currently I am trying to wrap ... 
Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s
Thanks for the invitation Jdodmead, I might take you up on that offer someday, if and when I have the budget for that much of a speaker upgrade. 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
I think we can break music lovers down into a number of groups. I don't know how many, but I'll figure that out as I type, hopefully it will make sense once I'm through. I feel there's a finite number of people that are predisposed to become audio...