
Responses from bdgregory

How many still listen to CD's daily.
me, every single day. I listen to LP's in the morning, CD's the rest of the day, except late at night I may put LP's on again. 
new Led Zeppelin album due out late 2012
If that's a legitimate sample, I'm looking forward to its release. I like it and don't need them to to release copies of their earlier stuff. I am pretty sure that is Robert Plant's voice - sounds like him in his contemporary releases (eg Raising ... 
I'm not familiar with ML speakers (have only seen them in stores), but why is the replacement cost of panels such an issue. Do they get consumed and need to be replaced every year or 3?Also, if they need it, can't they be refurbished like other ES... 
The finest Cable Elevators you ever auditioned?
excellent analysis Elizabeth! 
Interesting Ads
too many words for my taste . . . 
Quietest fan for room
thanks Pat - I'm doing good. Hope you are too. One of these days maybe A'gon will permit private emails between members again. Until then you can reach me via private message over on Audio Asylum - same user name. 
Quietest fan for room
hey Pat - is that fan super quiet? Look like it's just what I'm seeking.A lot of these fans generate a good deal or motor noise on slow speed, and a good deal of fan noise on high speed. 
Need an inexpensive phono stage
I had the Bellari, and have a V-LPS. The V-LPS is so much better, and totally trouble free - which you can't say about the Bellari. The V-LPS is also switchable between MM and MC. 
A Capital Audiofest 2012 thread
I plan to make it . . . but may only be able to hit Fri afternoon for an hour or 2. Last time I went it didn't seem everything really got going the first day - though there were a couple of very good exhibits. 
Bob Welch RIP
Sad indeed. I always thought Fleetwood Mac went to hell after Bob Welch left. 
Paul Grzybek Tube Audio Design Passing
I believe his passing was posted here shortly after hi obit appeared. Very sad - he was a great guy, and delivered great products and service. 
Prog Rock
In Absentia is by far my least favorite PT release, though I know many folks do like it a lot. So . . . if you like that - keep going, it gets better and better. I like "Sky Moved Sideways" a lot. 
Explain Class A amp to non audiophile friends
here's my attempt at a semi-laymen view of the issue.with Class A, a single output device (eg, transistor) produces the full output wave. That is, both + and - side of the sound wave.with Class AB, the + side of the wave, and - side are produced b... 
Explain Class A amp to non audiophile friends
here's my attempt at a semi-laymen view of the issue.with Class A, a single output device (eg, transistor) produces the full output wave. That is, both + and - side of the sound wave.with Class AB, the + side of the wave, and - side are produced b... 
B&K's Fuse listing shows 6A FB for the speakers, 8A SB for the AC line and rails (internal).