

Responses from beernut

Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
Thank you! I opted for a Marantz SA 8005 that I snagged for a good price. I have a sizable investment in cd's and a few SACD's so this is still my medium of choice. Computer audio just doesn't buzz me, yet anyway. I don't mind that tactile feel of... 
Turntable getting back to vinyl
All great replies. Let me caution you on "vintage" turntables which can often be relics from Grandpa's attic that have had no TLC for many years. I've been down that route and now I stay away. Good values in a TT that all satisfy you in your syste... 
Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
Sparkler? Sure is a strange website... 
Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
Thanks all for the input. I am interested in whether there is (real or perceived) difference in cd playback quality with a "universal" type player. Does all of the added circuitry for video etc. degrade the sound in some way? Or, have they gotten ... 
Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
I thank you for the input! 
Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
Yeah, question is which Oppo now :) BDP105 or the newer versions that just came out  
Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....
Thanks for the input above! The idea of a "all in one" box has it's appeal. I was concerned that cd play back is compromised with all the added circuitry in that box....However, if it's close enough based on cost, an Oppo makes sense... 
Speakers are the first piece of the puzzle
Interesting topic as always. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Let me ask, when one becomes dissatisfied with the sound of their system, what do they change out first? Cables, amp, source, footers (giggle)? I'll bet speakers. Ultimately, th... 
Mid grade Integrated amp choices
Wow, I recently owned all three of that last grouping. They are all excellent with their own flavor. Sphinx was meaty and substantial sounding with the tubed pre amp . Naim sounded as lively as advertised but is minimal in the input dept. the Elex... 
Crazy to buy a 17 year old CD Player?
Ok, I'm not yet ready for computer based audio. My silver disks are now the new vinyl to me and I do enjoy popping them into a player. I would agree with many here that DAC technology has improved vastly in the last few years. Personally, I wouldn... 
integrated amp recommendation needed
I second the Yamaha, perhaps the A-S1000(or A-S801) which can be found new at a friendly price. Quite powerful, smooth sounding, nice features plus excellent build quality. Just one of many options out there... 
Which amplifier (integrated) would you recommend for Monitor Audio PL speakers
I'll make it quick, a Rega Elex R might help immensely. You have lots of good advise above to consider as well.  
Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....
Nice! My studio type apt. won't really accommodate the larger Tritons and for the the 3's are great. I'm not dissatisfied with the 3.2, just thought something different might be fun. I had a higher end MuFi years ago (I forget the model) and reall... 
Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....
Thanks devilboy. That's what I was curious about. Hopefully, I can demo one soon... 
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
McIntosh does it for me, I still have a pristine Marantz 2325 receiver that is real eye candy as well and tactile feel that is hard to match.