

Responses from beernut

I can second (third) the Wyred for Sound amps. I have a Wyred STE500 (550 w/ch into 4 ohms) and am quite pleased. It is paired with Maggie .7's which are wonderful for their modest price. Current is the key with Maggies. I was driving them with a ... 
Request advice-need "brighter" speakers than Totem Hawks
"Bright" brings to mind Klipsch. Klipsch lovers will call them "dynamic" which is ok. I've owned numerous pair over the years and liked them all to some extent. It may not be the speakers themselves as others have suggested. Placement, soon treatm... 
Entry Level Interconnect Reccomendations
Ok, shameless plug. I have anti-cable connects for sale on audio here at a fraction of the new price. Solid, good sounding and good value.Beernut 
Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions
Another consideration is the type of music you listen to. I've owned Tritons and enjoyed them. I currently have Magnepan .7's and really enjoy them, two different flavors. One brand that I have owned and always liked and respected are the PSB's. M... 
Please help ...integrated amp under $1200
On the Rogue, get the V2. Much quieter and a beefed up phono section. No DAC. If that's important, check out the new Yamahas. Very nice sounding and very full featured. these are not the "box store" Yamahas... 
Please help ...integrated amp under $1200
Yes, Rogue Sphinx is the best sounding integrated at that price point that I have heard. Nice phone section and power doubles at 4 ohms, well designed. You'd need to spend a lot more $$ to beat the sound IMHO. 
Need Small Bookshelf Speakers With a Big Sound
Interesting comments all. I see LS50's pop up often. I owned a pair and while I liked them to me they excelled at acoustic music and not electric, especially "classic rock". One line of speakers I always thought that had "big" sound were PSB's. Th... 
Mellow speakers
Mellow? Pretty subjective like "laid back". I always found Paradigms "mellow and or "laid back". To the point where they bored me but many listeners like them. Vandersteen's are mellow for sure and a good listen. I found most B&W speakers to b... 
Balanced interconnects vs. Analog
As I understand, both components involved are truly balanced circuits... 
Balanced interconnects vs. Analog
Ok, I bought a pair of custom made (and very affordable) balanced cables on A'Gon. Immediately I heard a difference. I heard details in cd's I hadn't heard (or noticed) before. I also sensed an increase in bass. I will say for disclosure that prev... 
Retooling the system upward?? What speakers would be a major upgrade over GET model 7's?
Wow. I had the 7's and the Rogue as well, great stuff. I now have the Maggie.7's and a Wyred4Sound integrated and am very happy. You have a nice system and I agree with another comment, move up the Triton line? If you like the sound it's a good mo... 
Balanced interconnects vs. Analog
Thank you all for the wonderful input above. Seems the logical choice now is give the balanced connections a trial-thank you! 
Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?
I've owned 2, the 372 and 326BEE. The 372 didn't stick around long. The 326BEE was in an "interim" system and really surprised my with it's punchy sound. Speakers were Klipsch or Wharfedale bookshelf types, 2 different animals I know but the NAD s... 
Which integrated amp would you pick?
I owned the Halo and was quite impressed. Again as stated, a swiss army knife of integrated amps. How some people say it sounded "bad" is beyond me but so be it. I did sell it to fund a Wyred 4 Sound ST500 integrated which I am extremely pleased w... 
Mark of a scammer...learn not to burn.
Don't forget a SIGNATURE upon delivery. I forgot that little point and took it in the shorts for $1800.00. Paypal did not back me. Recipient said he never received the item despite very detailed information from UPS including GPS tracking of the d...