

Responses from bigaitch

2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?
A used pair of Vandersteen 2c Signatures. I happily sold my Harbeth SHL5 speakers for these and have not regretted it. Not even a little bit! 
Anyone have a take on the new LFD NCSE Mk II
A whole pile of stuff inc why the Signature version never really existed can be found here http://lfd4u.com/?s=ncse 
LFD Integrated Zero MK III
This should help http://lfd4u.com/blog/category/lfd-qa/qa-integrated-amps/ 
lfd grainless interconnects
Hello and greetings from the UK. There are as far as I am aware 3 sources of information on the LFD interconnects including Grainless, as follows:LFDAudioOfficial SiteLFD4UOurListenersClub 
Designer Hall of Fame
FYI - a UK perspective which embraces the finest of the USA specialists Designers 
Input on LFD Mistral amplifier, newer versions?
This might help: MistralRegards - HP 
LFD LE III w/Phono Input?
First things first in that the Zero LE Mk4.0 does not have the facility for an on-board phono stage. Next, Neither the Zero LE 3.0 nor 3.1 can have that facility retro-fitted. The option had to be ordered at the time because the version with it ha... 
easier to drive specifically Harbeth v Vandersteen
I moved from Harbeth SHL5 to Vandersteen 2C Signatures to use with my Zero LE Mk3.1 and then latterly to a Zero Le M4.0 and these days it is all I want and I am content. However, for a level of 'engagement' that will occur at a lower SPL than the ... 
Harbeth P3ESR SE vs 7ES2 w/ LFD
Updated info on this model and everything else LFD including interface with Harbeth and other questions to Dr. Richard Bews and his cogent (terse?) answers can be found at audiophiledotwordpressdotcom.wordpress.com/ 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
Hi there nighthawk.Re Rowland, looking back on my original comment I should have been less ambiguous. At that point I was thinking pretty much of the UK press and the UK audiophile public. I’m sorry about that. I’d momentarily forgotten the global... 
Goldmund Reference Turntable ?
Hello Kevin.Perhaps if you’ll allow I can shed a little light on this?During the 1980s I used to sell these in the UK. Terrific sounding deck with an arm that was a NIGHTMARE to set up. This was the T3F arm. Usually with one of the very high end K... 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
Hello Djohnson54You wrote: “. . . and putting perfectly working equipment into a landfill doesn't seem like a good option”. I agree with you 100%During candid conversations with some prominent UK makers (not my suppliers incidentally) they have oc... 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
Hello Mt10425Given the value of this thread, my questions begin with:“Let's assume vintage compares favorably to current equipment. Will the comparisons simply place a significantly higher cost on vintage equipment?”Yes, probably. None of us indiv... 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
Some very interesting responses. Thank you. Again, as with other postings here, I agree with you. Regarding the categories of customers you identify so well, you might be surprised to know that when I spot them I do from time to time deliberately ... 
A major disconnect between the audiophile magazine
Yes, quite correct. Thank you. Entirely my fault. I spotted my error too but as far as I can tell, it isn't possible to re-edit the thread posting once it has been posted. Ho hum as some of us say in the UK. Re your observation "The very top has a...