
Responses from branislav

Avalon Pricing Policy?
Did you give hime a reasonable offer or just asked him how much he can discount them? I work in sales too so I know offer to buy (a commitment)goes a long way...maybe they didn't realize how serious you were and thought you're just messing around. 
Reference 3A Grand Veena vs Emerald Physics CS2.3
It's funny that some threads don't get any answers and other go on and on...sorry I can't contribute 
Quietest Refrigator ?
I found out that the quietest refrigerator is that one that's not in the room. I bought a new one recently after starting a crazy thread on the subject, only to realize that you regular $600 fridge is just as noisy now and they used to be 20 years... 
Simaudio Supernova vs Oracle CD 1500 MK II
I think it's a great cd player but it depende what you're looking for in a cd player. My system lacked speed, clarity and dynamics. After acquiring Supernova, I eliminated these's all about synergy. I don't think it sugarcoats po... 
Simaudio Supernova vs Oracle CD 1500 MK II
I have Supernova cd player. They recommend the unit be turned on at all times...I haven't heard too many cd players in my system, but Supernova doesn't strike me like it has digital-free warm sound. 
Rockport Mira vs. Eggleston Nine
Thank you for your response Ebm... 
Detailed sound? Real?
I meant "crappy speakers"... 
Detailed sound? Real?
What do people mean by live music anyway? I'm certain live music reproduced through some crappy music is not the ultimate benchmark that people evaluate their system against, right? 
Audio Desk Systeme, a machine that shaves the edges of a cd at a certain angle. The improvement is quite obvious - better dynamics and clarity. I don't have to turn up the volume as much at night to hear the music. Well worth it... 
the smoothest sounding speaker
I own Hyperion 968 and I believe it's very smooth sounding speaker. Not to the point of boring like some British speakers, though... 
Monitors to replace Dynaudio Confidence C1's
Maybe you can play with interconnects or speaker cables...I'd try Cardas Golden Cross, should smooth out the sharp images you're talking about. 
"Get Better Sound"
Better be useful for $150 on Amazon :-) 
Anybody using a Marantz PM-11s1
I have PM 11S2, beautiful peace of equipment, very flexible with 2 pair of speaker outputs, bass/treble control, great remote that controls my cd player too. The sound is a bit on a mellow side, great match for a lot of speakers out there. 
Meeting point at RMAF for Audiogoners
I donĀ§t see why I shouldnt show up... 
How many sets of speaker cable?
You're right, you can select between 2 speaker system. In my case, switching between "speaker A" and "speaker B" just means listening to tweeter/midrange or bass woofer.