
Responses from capt369

Merlin VSM or Revel Performa F52
I`ve owned the e version of the tsm mm`s for several months and am still in awe of the "realness" of the music, whether it`s jazz, vocals, full orchestra etc.For me it`s a genuine "you are there" experience. I love `em.One thing that may be of int... 
amps for Merlin VSM-MXE
j/c...what will you be using for a pre amp? 
Best speaker cables for merlin speakers?
I use Reality sp. cables and ic`s with my merlins. Love `em. I know of a couple of merlin owners who actually sold their cardas and AU24 wires and switched to reality cables when they tried them.20 day money back guarantee.realitycables.comIn fact... 
PC for Prologue 2
Saki, I`d be very interested in your opinion of the primaluna compared to the aa prima that you used to have. I too own an aa prima int. amp and have been considering the primaluna and the "all tube" sound. 
What is bias a tube amp ? Is it difficult?
Go to this link and punch in primaluna. 
Best of the AMperex 6DJ8/6922 Tubes used Joe`s recommendations as a base and bought an amperex 6922 PQ, white label, gold pins, US, D-getter. I also purchaed an orange globe 6dj8, Holland, steel pins.I like them both... 
Why Purchase used tubes? Joe`s tube lore. My favorites that I picked up on ebay....amperex 6922 PQ white label, US made (shield, gold pins).amperex 6DJ8 orange globe logo, Holland. (shield, steel ... 
Home made cable lifters.
Thanks for your input Robert and I`d like to wish all a`gon members and their families a safe and happy Thanksgiving. 
Home made cable lifters.
Interesting challenge Herman. I`ll do it. I`ll report back in a week or so. 
Home made cable lifters.
So porcelain insulators still remain the best choice. 
Home made cable lifters.
55dok, interesting, I`ll check it out.Thanks. 
Home made cable lifters.
Mmakshak, stacking styrofoam cups three high and spray painted flat black would look pretty cool as well. I think I`ll try that. 
Tube or not to tube?
You might also consider a hybrid int. amp. Might be the best of both worlds. I have an aa prima...40wpc...single 6922 in the pre/mosfet amp. Good base slam, sweet mids and highs without loss of detail. I like mine a lot. They come up for sale used... 
What is the best $1000 CD Player?
Ditto Prima. 
How to cut sorbothane?
I think that I read in some reviews that whatever synthetic composite that Herbies uses is sonically better than Sorbothane. I could be wrong on that tho.I did place Herbies footers under my cdp 2 days ago and am very happy with the result. Increa...