

Responses from czbbcl

Need Preamp Pass XA60.5 and Dynaudio C1 mkII
If you are into tubes you could go with ARC. 
Need Preamp Pass XA60.5 and Dynaudio C1 mkII
Perfect match is a Pass Pre like the XP-20. I have an XP-20 with a pair of xa-100.5's and it is a very satisfying combination. No DAC though but you can always add that .. 
Time to blast off from Rhea
Well I guess I will chime in and offer more support for the Herron VTPH-2. It is very detailed and quiet and natural sounding just as others have mentioned. I have the higher gain version and I am using NOS Tele's in mine. 
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records?
This is also a good low cost cleaner but you need to supply your own Vacuum cleaner.http://www.kabusa.com/frameset.htm?/ 
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records?
I use a Spin Clean and like it very much and feel it is well worth the money. I do on occasion need to clean a record two or 3 times before it is acceptable. And if damage has occurred then there is very little you can do about that. 
your experience with mod or upgrade companies.....
I would try here as Bill Thalmann used to design circuits at cj http://www.musictechnology.com/ 
Hum coming from setup of Phon pre and turntable
Is your phono cable shielded?Chuck 
Sell quality turntable to buy top CD player?
I would do the XA5400ES and then at some point have it modded by Modwright. 
Problem with NPR
I second Airegin! Radio Swiss Classical is a great station. 
What's a great SS amp to pair with the CJ CT-5?
Your Welcome Good Luck .... Reno Hi Fi gives you a trial period. You pay is shipping to and fro if you send it back. 
What's a great SS amp to pair with the CJ CT-5?
I understand concerning the mono-blocs as they can be rather large. I would look into the x250.5 or .8 as a minimum given your speakers impedance and sensitivity specs. 
What's a great SS amp to pair with the CJ CT-5?
Pass Labs 
$8000 budget on Pre-amp
Why not Pass XP 20? 
Tube amp power watts equivalent to Solid State?
An article from Stereophile from some years ago.http://www.stereophile.com/reference/357/ 
Pass XA 30.5 with Revel F 208 ?
You might want to consider Focal they are very good with the pass xa series of amps and are 90db + efficiency with 4 to 8 ohm nominal impedance depending on model.